Just distribution of power and resources
Norwegian People's Aid works in partnership with local organizations. The aim is to strengthen their ability and to fight for a more just distribution of power and resources in their communities.
How we work with Development Cooperation
- We cooperate with organizations that mobilize for democratization and just distribution of resource
- We contribute to strengthening partner organization's opportunity and ability to influence government and decision-makers
- We are working to reduce the difference between rich and poor and between men and women
How we work with Humanitarian Aid
- We shall primarily support the local civil society’s crisis management.
- We shall work to ensure local participation in planning, coordination, implementation and evaluation of the relief efforts. All humanitarian response must encompass both women and men and take their different needs into consideration.
- When choosing partners for crisis relief efforts, we are to focus on actors that may also contribute to changes after the emergency relief phase.
- We shall encourage donors to fund local actors.