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Certificate of Merit from the Government of Vietnam for excellence in mine action during the last 10 years

Norwegian People's Aid in Vietnam is very proud to be the only non-governmental organization to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Government of Vietnam for excellence in mine action during the last 10 years. NPA received this honor during the Vietnam national conference held on 17 February 2022, for review on the national mine action program 2010-2020 period and mission orientation for 2021-2025 period.

243 National Program 504 Review Conference Norway Ambassador and NPA staff 17022022 2
Ms. Grete Løchen, the Norwegian Ambassador to Vietnam and Lao PDR, together with NPA national staff attending the conference.
243 National Program 504 Review Conference New US Ambassador Marc E Knapper and Quang Tri Linh PPM 17022022
Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, NPA Quang Tri Provincial Programme Manager and H.E. Mr Marc E. Knapper, the new Ambassador of the US in Vietnam.
243 National Program 504 Review Conference Vietnam Prime Minister visit QTMAC exhibit and talk to NPA QT PPM VOV photo 17022022
H.E Mr. Pham Minh Chinh, the Vietnam Prime Minister is talking with Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, NPA Vietnam Quang Tri Provincial Manager at the conference. Photo: Voice of Vietnam (VOV)
243 National Program 504 Review Conference NPA receive Certificate of Merit 2010 2020 17022022
NPA receives the Government Certificate of Merit, together with representatives of military organizations, UNDP, KOICA, and JICA.
243 National Program 504 Review Conference Certificate of Merit 2010 2020
The Government Certificate of Merit was awarded to NPA for excellent contributions to implementation of the national action plan in addressing the legacy of the war 2010-2020.