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“Europe a major obstacle to nuclear disarmament”

One hundred and fifty states—or more than three quarters of all states—already abide by all of the prohibitions of the 2017 United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), while a sizeable minority of 45 states currently engage in activities that are not compatible with the Treaty. Of those, 32—over 70%—are European states, shows the latest edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor, which was launched on 30 July 2024.

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Activists block the entrance to Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands on 7 August 2023, in a protest against nuclear weapons. Photo: Rob Engelaar, ANP/ NTB.

“At a time when the risk of the use of nuclear weapons is a profound concern, it is appalling that as many as 32 of the 47 states in Europe do not yet meet the demands of the Treaty that bans these weapons of mass destruction. Europe is a hotbed of policies and practices that aid and abet nuclear armament. We need more public discussion about how this complicit conduct increases risk and makes Europe a major obstacle to nuclear disarmament, says Secretary-General Raymond Johansen of Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), the organisation that publishes the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor, a dedicated report with contributions from leading nuclear experts and disarmament institutions.

The Ban Monitor assesses the conduct of every state—regardless of whether it has joined the TPNW— in relation to the Treaty’s comprehensive prohibitions of developing, producing, testing, stockpiling, transferring, and using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, as well as hosting another state’s nuclear weapons. It also prohibits assisting or encouraging these prohibited activities.

Raymond Johansen 13 small
Secretary General in NPA, Raymond Johansen.
Hans Kristensen
Hans M. Kristensen, Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists.
Figure 9
Compliance and compatibility with the prohibitions of the TPNW: Summary of 2023 findings by region

Figure 8
Compliance and compatibility with the prohibitions of the TPNW: Summary of 2023 findings by prohibition

Figure 14
Number of nuclear warheads deployed in 2024: By nuclear-armed state and by category of delivery vehicle