NPA completes Non-Technical Survey in Vietnam's Quang Tri province
The 01 June 2020 marked an important milestone for Norwegian People’s Aid's Project RENEW in the Quang Tri province of Vietnam.
Text & photos by Hien Xuan Ngo & Linh Do Quy.

"We have completed all Non-Technical Survey (NTS) operations in NPA/RENEW's allocated areas. This accounts for 76 percent of all villages in Quang Tri Province", said NPA's Country Director in Vietnam, Jan Erik Støa.
Over the past five years, 22 NTS staff have visited no less than 822 villages in the nine districts of Quang Tri Province. More than 50 000 people in these villages, with women accounting for 32 percent, have been interviewed to investigate the scope of contamination from cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war.
- Study historical data
- Enter all data into the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) database
- Arrange commune/village meetings
- Interview all local residents who have information and can identify confirmed contaminated areas or locations without any remaining explosive hazards
- Report findings to Quang Tri Mine Action Centre (QTMAC) and plan for further follow-up of contaminated areas through Technical Survey.
"NTS is one of two important steps in the process of producing a complete map of areas contaminated with cluster munitions and other explosive ordnance for the provincial authorities and clearance organisations so that clearance operations can be planned effectively in order to assist Quang Tri in becoming safe from the impact of explosive ordnance by 2025", Støa explained.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Be, born in 1963, is a resident in Tich Tuong village in Quang Tri township. She lost her left leg in a landmine accident near her house in 1975. Her husband died of cancer a few years ago and she now mostly stays at home, taking care of her niece.

Since I got disabled from the accident, I have become very scared of explosive ordnance. I am very happy to see that the NPA/RENEW teams are now doing survey our village, as I know there still remain many explosive leftovers in our area after the war
Later she showed NPA's team a mortar shell which got discovered after heavy rain caused a landslide near her hen house.
NPA's surveyers in Quang Tri are currently assessing the impact of the Confirmed Hazardous Areas that were defined during Technical Survey. Hopefully the team will also survey any remaining villages when access is granted.
NPA's Survey & Clearance Programme in Vietnam, implemented by Project RENEW, is funded by the U.S. Department of State and DFID - UK Department for International Development. It is a cooperation project between NPA and the Quang Tri Province Department of Foreign Affairs.