NPA Vietnam complete CMRS of all accessible areas in Quang Tri province
On the 16 April 2023, as planned, NPA Vietnam concluded the Cluster Munition Remnant Survey (CMRS) of all accessible areas in Quang Tri province. NPA has since the start of Non-technical (NTS) + Technical Survey (TS) = CMRS in 2015, defined a total of 1,270 CHAs which covers a land area of 615 km2.

A total of 173 km2 have been cleared to date by different INGO and QT PMC units, thus leaving a total of 442 km2 CHA that still need clearance. Restricted areas will not be surveyed by NPA and the contamination situation in these villages still remains unknown.

NPA will have a meeting with Quang Tri Mine Action Center (QTMAC) for final review of CMRS progress/outputs and the final CMRS completion report will be presented in Quang Tri on 22 May 2023.