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Playtime near deadly explosives

Even though Russian soldiers have withdrawn from the village, it does not feel safe for Nastya and the other children in Lych, Ukraine. Mines and explosives hidden in the ground make playing outdoors life-threatening.

Barn i Ukraina kan ikke leke trygt utendørs
Photo: Norsk Folkehjelp

Until the area is cleared, the local basketball court and other playgrounds remain too dangerous to step onto. This is the reality for many children in Ukrainian villages that were recently occupied by Russian soldiers. When school resumes, they face a daily routine of online learning and spending most of their time indoors.

Nastya og venner leker i ruinene av den gamle skolen
Photo: Norsk Folkehjelp
Mamma til Nastya er bekymret for datteren
Photo: Norsk Folkehjelp