Statement for the Second Review Conference to the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Part II

Second Review Conference to the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Part II
20-21 September2021
Virtual/ Switzerland
Address by Norwegian People’s Aid
Delivered by Kristina Duric, Advisor
Mr.President, Your Excellencies, Dear Colleagues,
We wish to congratulate the Presidency on the committed efforts on the successful Second Review Conference, the Lausanne Action Plan and Political Declaration as well as we thank the CCM ISU for their work and support.
NPA would primarily like to underline that we stand in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan through this challenging period.
NPA stresses our commitment to the essence of the Convention, where we commend the work already done, and continue efforts to ensure civilians are protected from indiscriminate effects of cluster munitions. As an operator we often witness first-hand how harmful these weapons are and what crucial difference it makes when political will is translated into actionable measures to fully implement the Convention and eradicate the harm cluster munitions perpetrate.
In light of the extension requests submitted by Afghanistan, Mauritania and Chile, to ensure protection of civilians, the pre-conditions for fulfilling the Convention obligations must be provided. Ensuring safe access, targeting the response to the populations and areas in need in a gender and diversity sensitive manner, and enhancing national capacity for sustainable residual contamination management are the minimum necessary prerequisites for success.
Building on this Conference and the Lausanne Action Plan and learning from the demonstrated success of Country Coalitions, we encourage StatesParties, affected states and operators to partner and mobilise joint efforts for the world free of cluster munitions. Affected states must enhance national ownership and develop strategic plans aimed at realistic, timely and meaningful fulfillment of the Convention obligations. National action plans and strategies of affected states, donor requirements, and operators must all mainstream gender and diversity and enable a tailored needs-based response which ensures meaningful, effective and sustainable solution to end the suffering from the cluster munitions contamination.
NPA also wishes to align with the statements of Mine Action Review of which we are an Advisory Board Member and the statement of the Gender and Diversity Working Group of which we are currently a co-chair and a member.
Thank you.