Statement on Completion and Sustainable National Capacities
Committee on Article 5 Implementation (Belgium, Norway, Sri Lanka, Zambia (Chair), Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention Intersessional Meetings Geneva, 23 June 2021.
Thank you Chair,
Mine action response is a national responsibility, and State Parties are required to demonstrate high levels of national ownership, as per the Oslo Action Plan (OAP) Action 1. Affected States Parties should commit political will, enhance national ownership, and set realistic Article 5 completion plans with transparent and gender and diversity sensitive needs-based prioritisation, aimed at fulfilling the Convention obligations as soon as possible. National authorities should also develop and commit sufficient resources to address the residual landmine contamination beyound 2025.
Committing political will is a precondition for successful completion and we urge all affected States Parties to demonstrate strong political will through active engagement, dedicated resources, and realistic implementation and completion plans.
As an international operator we have the responsibility to support national authorities to implement the OAP and fulfill the Convention obligations. We hereby encourage States Parties to actively use the OAP to help inform and strengthen national mine action strategies, work plans, standards, and information management systems, to ensure timely and meaningful completion.
Capacity Development is a key means of ensuring national ownership and sustainable national capacities. NPA has been successfully supporting National Mine Action Authorities (NMAAs) and their local implementing partners (IPs) in affected states to fulfil the Convention requirements, ensure IMAS compliance, and to manage and implement mine action projects and programmes safely, effectively, and efficiently.
Focusing efforts on strengthening national ownership through results-based approach to capacity development which translates IMAS and Convention requirements into measurable indicators, has proven to be a success, as independently tracked in the Mine Action Review annual reports. NPA has learned that to ensure sustainable national capacities, NMAA and key stakeholder capacity needs and gaps must be identified and contextualised; clear and realistic capacity development plans should be established in close coordination with the NMAAs and other relevant stakeholders in country; outcomes should be measured and reported on systematically through a transparent and consultative process.
NPA has successfully supported completion in more than 13 countries as capacity development has always been and continues to be key component of our programming, working towards sustainable national capacities and a holistic and responsible approach to mine action response. As NPA also has first-hand experience of the success of National Platforms, we encourage all parties present to actively engage in the creation and implementation of National Platforms, as per Action 44 of the OAP, in the spirit of cooperation and strengthening national ownership, and timely and meaningful completion.
NPA wishes to align ourselves with the statement of the Mine Action Review, of which we are an Advisory Board Member.
Thank you.