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The War That Continues to Kill

Nhung (13) has lived her entire life side by side with explosives. Today, she plays safely in the garden and can walk to school without fear.

Barn m paraply vietnam 2 morten odegaard
Nhung and her little brother had a potentially life-threatening school route for many years. Photo: Norwegian People's Aid
US Bombing in Vietnam
The use of explosive ordnance was immense during the Vietnam war. Photo: U.S. Air Force/Wikimedia
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Ra Pat Loc with his wife and four grandchildren. Photo: Norwegian People's Aid
IMG 3589 morten odegaard
Do Thi Thanh Nhan, leads Norwegian People's Aids clearance operations in this province. Photo: Norwegian People's Aid
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Finally, it's safe to play outside. Photo: Norwegian People's Aid
Skolevei 1
Nhung and her little brother had a potentially life-threatening school route for many years. Photo: Norwegian People's Aid