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When the pumpkin is a bomb, and your nearsight recues you!

Sometimes bombs can lay for decades without anyone knowing. In the peaceful village of Lak11 in Laos, in the Champasak province Ms Mounlong was indeed resucued by her nearsightedness.

NPA Photo Even small explosive items mean Huge Threat 2
Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) staff interviewing Ms. Khambay sitting next to her husband Mr. Sungvon Chitsalath accompanied by her son and granchildren. Photo: NPA Lao
NPA Photo Even small explosive items mean Huge Threat 5
Item found by Ms Khambay identified as M-26 hand grenade Photo: NPA Lao
NPA Photo Even small explosive items mean Huge Threat 4
The sandbags show the location and close proximity of the explosive item to the family’s house, and the huge risk the item posed to Ms. Khambay’s family. Photo: NPA Lao