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Much-needed emergency aid and sanitation assistance provides hope and dignity

The al-Saftawi neighborhood in Gaza got a glimmer of hope in an otherwise desperate situation when a truck loaded with food parcels and dignity kits, including sanitary products, safely arrived into a part of Gaza City, a community that has been systemically impacted by the ongoing war. The truck comes as a result of support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and together with one of our partners on the ground, Aisha, the neighborhood could feel relief from getting food that can quench starvation, if only for a short while.

Matutlevering Gaza
Distribution of food and dignity kits in al-Saftawi, a neighbourhood in Gaza city Photo: AISHA
Tørrvarer, krydder, olje og andre små matvarer
Toalettpapir, såpe, bind, våtservietter og andre små sanitære produkter
Mann holde en pappeske med nødhjelp
Photo: AISA
En familie sitter på en tralle, med nødhjelpsesker, trukket av et esel
Photo: AISHA
Kvinner skriver under på en liste for å ha mottatt nødhjelp
Photo: AISHA
To menn laster av esker med nødhjelp fra en trailer
Photo: AISHA