Norwegian People’s Aid: Response to Refute Allegations Carried in Zimbabwean Newspaper ‘Sunday News’
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) has noticed with concern the false mention of funding to Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) carried in an online article by the ‘Sunday News’ on 28 July 2019. Norwegian People’s Aid distances its self from this false allegation and fabrication. NPA is not in a funding relationship with YETT and neither does NPA fund political activities.

NPA works in a non-partisan and non-political manner in solidarity with local development organisations and once again distances itself from any involvement, knowledge, false statements from the MDC youths and the notion of funding of any political party for any activities, which include demonstrations. It is unfortunate that the editor of the ‘Sunday News’ did not seek to verify facts before going to print, thereby irresponsibly seeking to tarnishing the image and good work of NPA.
NPA continues to stand in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe with whom we have been associated for the past 39 years. NPA in Zimbabwe is working with partners on long-term development, human rights and grass root organisations in the Development and Humanitarian Cooperation (DHC) Programme and clearance of landmines in the Humanitarian Disarmament (HD) Programme.