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Mine Action and Disarmament

Incendiary Weapons and White Phosphorus: Understanding the Military Utility, Humanitarian Impact and Environmental Harm

Report from round-table: The objective of the round-table discussion was to increase the understanding of the existing legal framework, military utility as well as the environmental and humanitarian effects of incendiary weapons, with a particular focus on white phosphorus munitions, through exchange of knowledge and experience between interdisciplinary global experts
Mine Action and Disarmament

Assessing Environmental Degradation from Explosive Weapons in Southern Ukraine

Armed conflicts can severely impact the environment, posing risks to human health and ecosystems. In 2024, NPA and CEOBS conducted a pilot study in southern Ukraine to explore pollution from explosive weapons and military activities on soil and water resources. Our report sheds light on the environmental consequences of war, including substantial pollution, infrastructure damage, and potential threats to agriculture.
Result report

Equality Report 2022

NPA is a diverse, inclusive organisation that works continuously to ensure that all employees are safe, feel valued and have a sense of belonging in the organisation.
Mine Action and Disarmament

M85 - An analysis of reliability

The primary purpose of this study from 2007 by C King Associates Ltd (CKA), Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and NPA was to examine the performance of the M85 bomblet in combat conditions, because this specific bomblet had become the symbol of a proposed approach to solve the problems that cluster munitions cause. The study concluded that the failure rate in combat was higher than expected, likely around 10%.
Result report

Annual Report and Accounts 2022

Annual Report and Accounts 2022
Mine Action and Disarmament

Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor

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Mine Action and Disarmament

Mine Action Review

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Result report

Annual Report and Accounts 2021

Annual Report and Accounts 2021
Development Cooperation

Progress Report 2021

Grant Agreement between Norad and Norwegian People’s Aid 2020-2024